Join the fight against prostate cancer
Take the PCUK risk checker today
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. There are over 400,000 living with the disease in the UK – and that statistic is only set to rise.
This June, Moss is encouraging everyone to take the Prostate Cancer UK risk checker. It could mean more time for weddings, parties and other really good things. We’ve already raised more than £65,000 to help improve treatment, prevention and support for men with prostate cancer.
But a man is still dying from prostate cancer every 45 minutes. That’s dads, sons, grandads, uncles, nephews, friends and so many other loved ones. The fight against one of the UK’s biggest killers isn’t over yet. We’re going to continue working hard to raise vital funds for Prostate Cancer UK and keep conversations about prostate cancer going with our staff and customers to help raise awareness and save men’s lives.

Check your risk
Most men with early prostate cancer don’t have symptoms, so knowing your risk and doing something about it can be a lifesaver. But without a screening programme, too many men will still be diagnosed too late. Check your risk in less than 30 seconds with Prostate Cancer UK’s risk checker here.
How can I show my support for Prostate Cancer UK?
You can donate via this link, or pick up a Prostate Cancer UK badge in any of our stores. The money donated or raised from the pin badges will help Prostate Cancer UK transform prostate cancer diagnosis and help fund research to find a better test so that the men we love can live long and well.
You can also urge your friends and family to take the risk checker, which can help detect early signs of prostate cancer or encourage them to get checked out at the GP.
Get support
If you have a concern about prostate cancer or prostate problems, Prostate Cancer UK’s Specialist Nurses can provide a wealth of information and support so you can choose the services that work for you. Give them a call on 0800 074 8383, chat to them online or visit prostatecanceruk.org for more information.